Articles in the Swift category

  1. Note: More Swift and Foundation Frameworks


    Note of More Swift and Foundation Frameworks, not detail described.
    Lesson4的要点记录,有些没有展开,侧重于“点”。看完后觉得需要注意的地方:基本数据类型如Optional/Array/Dictionary等的特点;class与struct的异同;class中的属性和方法;常见数据 …

    Tagged as : swift
  2. Optional of swift


    This is a category of study&&notes of swift, program and so on during the study of [Developing iOS8 Apps with Swift] on the iTunes U.
    此系列为学习stanford课程:Developing iOS8 Apps with Swift过程中,对语言,程序设计,编程能力 …

    Tagged as : swift

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